
Common Ground

Episode 27: Why don’t women feel safe? Outrage in Europe and beyond after the murder of Sarah Everard in London

micCommon GroundtodayMay 10, 2021

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    Episode 27: Why don’t women feel safe? Outrage in Europe and beyond after the murder of Sarah Everard in London Common Ground

Host Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson delves into why women struggle with fear despite wielding more political and economic power than ever before, with guests Anne Ruetten, social media manager of Plan International; Conny Vogt of Heimwegtelefon, a private initiative in Germany and Austria helping women feel safer when they walk home at night; and Sarah Riese, a researcher on violence prevention at the independent institute, Camino.

This show is produced by Dina Elsayed.

Common Ground


Common Ground Berlin is a podcast and funded solely through grants and listener support. It belongs to the non-profit organization Common Ground Berlin e.V.
