
Common Ground

Episode 68: U.S. Midterm Elections 2022 – The end of American democracy?

micCommon Ground BerlintodayOctober 31, 2022

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    Episode 68: U.S. Midterm Elections 2022 – The end of American democracy? Common Ground Berlin

Although a record turnout is expected on Nov. 8th, opinion surveys show many Americans no longer trust U.S. elections nor their government. Many Republican voters still embrace the “Big Lie” that President Trump had the 2020 election stolen from him. So what does the growing mistrust, President Joe Biden’s low ratings and the worst inflation in four decades mean for the midterm elections and American democracy in general?

In this episode of Transatlantic Takeaway by Common Ground Berlin and the German Marshall Fund of the United States, host Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson explores the controversial elections with:

Sudha David-Wilp, GMF’s Senior Transatlantic Fellow and deputy director of the Berlin office.

Jeremy Shapiro, research director at the European Council on Foreign Relations and a former advisor to the State Department during the Obama administration.

Anna Sauerbrey, foreign editor of the weekly Die Zeit and a contributor to the New York Times op-ed section.

Produced by Dina Elsayed. 

Common Ground


Common Ground Berlin is a podcast and funded solely through grants and listener support. It belongs to the non-profit organization Common Ground Berlin e.V.
