
Common Ground

Episode 83: Comeback kid or has been? The future of startups in Berlin.

micCommon Ground BerlintodayJune 5, 2023

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    Episode 83: Comeback kid or has been? The future of startups in Berlin. Common Ground Berlin

The German capital has long been a startup capital in Europe. But the global financial shakeup and supply chain disruptions hit Berlin’s startup scene hard.
This year, with the market more or less expected to stabilize and supply chain problems easing, can Berlin’s startup scene make a comeback? Host Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson talks to Lukas Breitenbach, head of corporate communications at Berlin Partner and Aggi Cantrill, a tech reporter for Bloomberg News who covers Berlin’s startup scene.

Produced by Dina Elsayed. 

Common Ground


Common Ground Berlin is a podcast and funded solely through grants and listener support. It belongs to the non-profit organization Common Ground Berlin e.V.
